Tashi - UTI and Bladder Stones
I don't know what we would have done without the
support of Paws 4 A Cure! Our dog, Tashi, a 12 yr old brindle pit, was diagnosed with a UTI & bladder stones. It was critical that she receive care ASAP as the stones would very likely end up
blocking her urethra and cause a slew of other
problems resulting in euthanasia. If we
had not found a caring vet, and had the support of Paws 4 A Cure we would
not have been able to get her the surgery she needed. Thankfully, Tashi got the surgery, had TWO HUGE stones removed and 2 polyps as well.
She is now on a special diet and drinking filtered watered. Tashi just had her
post surgery check up and everything looks GREAT! She may be old, but she's a trooper with an excellent heart and good
strong lungs and is expected to be around a while longer yet with
us! We are grateful to Paws 4 A Cure for their help! Please,
support them if you can, so more families can remain in tact and keep their loving
furbabies happy, healthy, and whole! :) ~ With
Greatest Gratitude, Rachel