
The testimonials below are from the pet parents of our Paws Recipients, veterinary practices and donors that Paws 4 A Cure has had the pleasure to work with.

To add your testimonial, please reply to your approval email that was sent to you.
"I just alternately smiled and cried my way through all of these beautiful, emotional and incredibly optimistic testimonials. I had the great pleasure of meeting Keri when Paws 4 A Cure was a tiny flicker of a dream in her heart. We had both lost our beloved dogs to cancer and first met through an online support group and finally in person. Having known Keri back then, I can tell you that this organization is absolutely the result of her blood, sweat, tears and her great love and respect for all creatures. Your testimonials speak of your gratitude for the financial assistance that Paws 4 A Cure has provided. As a donor I wish I could add more zeroes to my semi-annual checks, but whatever the amount, I know that every dollar is for pets and pet parents in need. I am honored to play even a tiny part in having seen Keri's dream become her mission." - Juanita

Alphonse Capone - Collapsed Trachea

“It has been 3-1/2 months since Alphonse Capone Panozo the French Bulldog was fighting for his life after already having fought to keep his legs with IVDD Surgery. The road to recovery has been a process with much patience, attention to detail, love, care and most of all optimism. I could not emphasize enough that without the true blessing of Paws 4 A Cure, we would not be where we are today as we watch Alphonse Capone breathing and running around as he deserves and should be. Paws 4 A Cure is more than just an organization assisting those whom struggle to fight for the lives of their little ones, they are a true blessing and gods gift. Paws 4 A Cure may be known as a “contributing piece” to many, but in reality they are more than any dollar figure, they are our hope and wishes brought to light. I tell you, Alphonse Capone Panozo will be seeing his 5th Birthday all because of Paws 4 A Cure. It is important to understand that what many donate does not go unnoticed and is not taken for granted. What many have contributed helped Alphonse Capone live another day and with that being said, the cause is nothing short of greatness. On behalf of Alphonse Capone Panozo and Family, we thank all of whom have continued to support an uplifting cause like Paws 4 A Cure which has and will continue to serve as hope and dreams coming true for the future of those in need of support and a care not easily acquired. God Bless Paws 4 A Cure and God Bless You ALL! - Alphonse Capone and Oliver Panozo

Daisy – Mast Cell Tumor

“Paws 4 A Cure has been an inspiration for me and my chug Daisy as hope, love and good energy is what life is about, and Paws 4 A Cure has been nothing but amazing. From the bottom of my heart I truly am gracious and thankful for what Paws 4 A Cure has done for me and Daisy. God bless all of us and our pets. They're love incarnate.”   - Daisy’s Dad

George – Leg Injury

“My name is April and my furbabies name is George, Paws 4 A Cure helped me a year ago to fix Georges leg. He now has a floating hip and is doing very well and he now doesn't even walk with a limp. If it was not for Paws 4 A Cure I am not sure what I would have done. George and I thank you.” - George’s mom

Crystal – Mass On Leg

“This is the best and most caring group I ever dealt with Keri is one of the most caring people you would ever meet - so thankful for what they did for my cat "Crystal" thank you for the great gift of giving her another chance and all the dedication you show and the wonderful things you do for the pets that need your help - just can't thank you enough.”  -Crystal’s mom

Jade - Multiple-Myeloma

"Paw 4 A Cure gave my dog Jade the opportunity to receive quality veterinary care that saved her life.  Our family is grateful to have our beloved companion with us to this day!  Many thanks to all the donors who made this possible."  - Patricia & Family

Maxine – AIHA (blood disease)

“Paws 4 A Cure helped me so much in my time of need! My 9 year old, Max had just been diagnosed with AIHA. I soon realized that I would not be able to give my sweet pup a chance to live, because I am on a fixed income! Then I read about Paws 4 A Cure, so I immediately applied for help! They were so very kind to me, it warmed my heart! They gave me the funds for Max's medication, which was very expensive, plus funds to get her blood tests twice a week as well! Unfortunately, my Max didn't survive. But thanks to Paws 4 A Cure, I was given three extra weeks to be able to give her all the love I had! Thank you, for all you do for pets, and the humans who take care of them. You are truly a blessing to all the lives you touch! Thank you, and God bless!”  -Jaclyn

Carter – Hip Replacement.

“Dear Paws 4 A Cure, I wanted to give you an update on Carter, the great Danes service dog you helped with a total hip replacement a few years ago. He is doing well. He continues to thrive at service work. He does his job diligently. He is loyal. We have also taken to doing compation rally and obedience. He is doing well. He is scoring very high. I am very proud of him. I thank Paws 4 A Cure every day for their help. With you we would not be were we are. Thank you.” -Pam and Carter

Simon - Hemangiopericytoma 
Jack - Transitional Cell Carcinoma

"Paws 4 A Cure has helped me financially with two of my dogs, Simon and Jack, that were diagnosed with cancer in within 10 months of each other.  Without this life-saving organization, I would not have been able to afford the necessary chemotherapy treatment.  The treatment has extended their life expectancy while maintaining their quality of life. Their assistance has allowed me to spend more time with them." -Simon & Jack’s mom

Leo – Lymphoma

“Paws 4 A Cure was there for us when we were having a hard time financing our baby boy's cancer treatments. Because of Paws 4 A Cure we were able to keep treating our baby boy. Thank you for giving us extra time with our boy.” - Mandie
Gomez - Stomatitis (dental disease)

“Gomez is a very special kitty; being FIV+ he was facing termination, especially since he was diagnosed with stomatitis. He is an affectionate, gentle, fearless and social; someone with all those qualities deserves to live a long and pain free life. That life might not of happened without the help of the Paws 4 A Cure family, because of your assistance he is soon on his way to getting his teeth removed and will be pain-free and ready to finally relax. Thank you Paws 4 A Cure, from the bottom of our hearts.” -Gomez and Jessica 

Skye - Hemangiopericytoma

“Keri, you have helped me and my beloved yellow lab furbaby, Skye tremendously when she's in desperate need battling with this horrible Hemangiopericytoma. She had her surgery, chemo and radiation, but her cancer is so strong it metastasizes. But because of your non-judgmental decision (coz cancer can kill), we were able to prolong her beautiful life 6 more months. I love her dearly and still miss her every single moment. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.” – Marie

Penny - Anal Sac Tumor

“Penny was very special to all that knew her.  My devastation came when I went to my vet the diagnosis was made, mass tumor cell. I was very hopeful. A blessing came, Paws 4 A Cure was obtained and additional funding obtained. Paws 4 A Cure was a tremendous part in my Penny’s treatment. Paws 4 A Cure was working with me and my Penny. Without them I would not have had that precious extra time with my Penny. Penny and I ever grateful to Paws 4 A Cure and their love for furry friends. With Much Love And Appreciation”   - Caroline

Toby – Mast Cell Tumor

“We were so blessed that Paws 4 a Cure was able to help us get the surgery Toby needed! He has been doing wonderful and we are so happy to have him still a part of our lives!! We never would have been able to afford his needed surgery without their help! We are forever indebted.” - Dorothy

Apple Pie - Hematoma in ear

“Paws 4 A Cure helped us and Apple Pie out tremendously. Apple Pie was supposed to be just a foster, out of NYC, and but we ended up adopting her. She had many health problems coming to us including mange, staph infections, ear infections, skin allergies and finally, a torn ACL, which was a surgery costing over $2500 + physical therapy. We were tapped out. Add to all of that, a growing hematoma in 2015. Once again she needed surgery and if not for Paws 4 A Cure, I'm not sure what we would have done. Thank you Keri and Paws 4 A Cure!” – Shannon & Jason

Max – Cancer
Brody - Cataracts

“I can't thank Keri and Paws 4 A Cure for all that this amazing organization has done for our fur babies and for our family. You never know when you may need financial assistance to get your fur baby lifesaving medical treatment. I knew Keri and supported Paws 4 A Cure well before we ever needed assistance - never dreaming that two of our pups would one day need assistance. Keri and the fund stepped up right away in our times of need. The first time, our grumpy old Max needed very expensive medical treatment for two kinds of cancer. Last year, our beloved Brody needed very expensive surgery to save his eyesight. Earlier this year, he needed daily hospital stays in order to save his life. In each instance, Keri & Paws 4 A Cure were right by our side to the very end - going above and beyond to help us financially and emotionally. Paws 4 A Cure is a charitable fund that is near and dear to our hearts, for many reasons. I hope that you will take a moment to contribute to this very worthy cause. In doing so, you will be helping someone else's beloved fur baby receive much needed medical treatment and giving their forever family hope during a very stressful time. Thank you, Keri & Paws 4 A Cure!” - Lisa  

Ozzy - Ear Infection

"Paws 4 A Cure came through for me at a very difficult time, my yellow lab Ozzy had a really bad ear infection and I had no money to take him to the vet for treatment. Paws 4 A Cure heard about my dilemma and called my vet and arranged for Ozzy to get the treatment and medication he needed. I am eternally grateful for Paws 4 A Cure and the work that they do." - Julie

Bella – Polyp in ear canal

“Paws 4 A Cure was a true blessing when my beautiful Bella needed a specialized surgery that I could not afford.  I am such an animal lover and it makes me so happy that there are organizations out there that understand that our furry babies are as loved as any other member of our family :)  My Bella is doing great and is pain free and just a happy loveable ball of fur!!  LOL  Thank you so much for all your help.” 
- Michelle

Riley - Infiltrated Lipoma

“My dog Riley is my best friend. He's been with me for some of the hardest times in my life, and helped get me through. So when he was diagnosed with an infiltrative tumor I was at a loss. I was your typical starving college student. How was I going to afford the care he needed. The vet hospital gave me contact info for Paws 4 A Cure and immediately when I contacted them I could feel the love and compassion. Keri frequently emailed me to check on Riley, and always sent her love. Now several years later Riley is still doing GREAT!! He just celebrated his tenth birthday in October, and still loves to play. I cannot thank Paws 4 A Cure enough for helping to save my bff.” 
- Jordan and Riley 

Buddy – Torn ACL

“I and my dog Buddy are so very grateful for the funds you raised for his cruciate ligament knee surgery! Thank you again from the bottom of my heart!”  Sincerely, Janet Q

Mollyann – Mast Cell Tumor

“My Rottweiler, Mollyann, developed stage 4 mast cell tumor and was given 6 months to a year possibly longer to live. She was my precious little girl and I just could not bear to let her go so I elected to search out options to prolong her life. Paws 4 A Cure donated money to help with Mollyann's treatment. She lost her battle with cancer but without the help I received I would have lost her sooner.” – Deborah

Cairo – Dental Disease

“Paws 4 A Cure means a lot to my family and my furbaby. They gave us precious time with my furbaby that we were going to lose. Cairo had severe tooth decay and had over 10 teeth removed and would have been euthanized if it wasn’t for Paws 4 A Cure. We thank u for all you did for us.” - Love Kim, Trey, and Cairo

Max - Diabetes & Pancreatitis

“My Miniature Pinscher, Max was diagnosed with Diabetes around September 2013, then Pancreatitis and eventually went blind. Max had his fourth Pancreatitis attack in August 2014 and I would have had to put him down as I no longer had funds to continue his care. I wrote to Paws 4 A Cure and due to a generous donation, it allowed me to have an extra month with my Max after he spent two nights at the vet. I appreciate Paws 4 A Cure for giving me a little extra time with him. I wish I had known about their organization before it was too late to save my dog but it meant so much to me at the time that I could have my dog for just a little longer.”  - AnnMarie

Naia – Tail Injury

“Paws 4 A Cure was truly a blessing in my life!! Naia was in need of a partial tail amputation within the first year of her life and I was in the position where I either had to give her up or find the means to get her the surgery. Paws 4 A Cure provided and Naia has now made a wonderful recovery. Because of their grant, I now have my playful sweet kitten back again! This foundation is doing amazing things and I will continue to spread the word to everyone I know.” - Sarah F.

Eli – Elbow Dysplasia

"Keri, with Paws 4 A Cure, was the biggest blessing for our boy Eli. We cannot thank her enough for her generosity. I had never gone through this sort of process before, and didn't know what to request monetary wise, as I didn't want to scare away any possible donations for my boy. Unfortunately, in the end, we came up short for Eli's surgery and upon finding out Keri blessed us with an additional donation. I was completely floored and I cried for what seemed like hours. I couldn't believe the kindness she showed us. Eli had his surgery and recovered wonderfully with fully use of his elbow. We are forever grateful for the kindness and generosity Keri has exhibited towards us." -Jeri C. 

Venus – Oral Melanoma

“My gratitude for what Paws 4 A Cure did for my beautiful Venus is beyond words. She was diagnosed barely 2 weeks following the euthanasia of my 16 year old dog a week before his 17th birthday. And that followed 4 other pet losses in a year including another dog. My family has shrunk but I don't know what I'd have done if I lost all 3 of my dogs in one summer. She is my world and thanks to the financial assistance from Paws 4 A Cure I was able to get her the surgery she needed and start the melanoma vaccines. She has been so great through it all. She's a survivor. Thank you so much for all you do!”  - Jen

Ginger – Mammary Tumor

“Thanks to Paws 4 A Cure my beautiful Ginger was able to get the much-needed surgery to remove her mammary tumor. She's enjoying life pain free today and doing very well thank you again.” – Dena


CC – Abdominal Fluid

“Paws 4 A Cure helped me keep my CC alive two extra years with his cancer battle re med. They eased my sadness. My pets pain and helped us so much. My cats and I are grateful and couldn’t have made it without Paws 4 A Cure who loves animals and has such great empathy for animals and their owners. Thanks.” Shelly, Casper and CC 

Joey – Nasal Cancer

“I want to thank Keri and the Paws 4 A Cure family so much for all they did for us! With Paws 4 A Cure's help we were able to get the surgery our 7yr old Chocolate Lab, Joey, needed to remove his cancer. After his operation he was like a puppy again, so happy and playful. We are so grateful to Paws 4 A Cure giving us all the extra time we had with our Joey! It meant everything to me, my daughter, and our family! We cannot Thank you enough!”  - Jen

Casper – Dental Disease

“Casper benefited by obtaining badly needed oral care. Decayed teeth extracted and teeth cleaned. No more foul mouth kitty!” – Hildy

Jojo – Osteosarcoma

“I would love to thank everyone for everything that has been done for My Prince. Paws 4 A Cure has done so much for My Babyboy Jojo and our family. I honestly couldn't thank everyone who has helped enough. Jojo has been Cancer-free for 4 years and still counting. He is the light of our eyes and the joy in everyones life! Jojo is my bestfriend, my life, my heart, my comfort and without him I wouldn't know where I would be. You only didn't save his life but you saved mines as well. Jojo is still stronger than ever and more loveable than anything. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for continuing to help those in need. You guys are all a blessing. Love always,” Jojo and Family

Paws – Broken Leg

“Paws 4 A Cure was absolutely amazing! My sweet black lab who's name is actually Paws and that was his name before I knew about this organization was hit by a car and needed a major surgery on his leg. Plates and screws to hold it together. And Because I couldn't afford it due to my husband being disabled and is on a very low income so a couple vets told me to put him down. I just couldn't bring myself to do it and I didn't give up on my sweet boy because he's a part of our family and like one of my kids! Thank god that Paws 4 A Cure stepped in and help get my boy better and back up running playing and living his life to the fullest again. He is doing well and hasn't had any complications from surgery and that's been several years ago now. We're so thankful for everyone who has ever donated to this awesome organization and want to thank you all from the bottom of our hearts! With love,” The Bates family Also from Fur babies, Paws, Loretta and Dolly

Charlie – Oral Melanoma

"Charlie was an Australian Cattle Dog - Mix and she was a big part of our family. So when she was diagnosed with Malignant Melanoma on her cheek, we were devastated.  She was diagnosed in March, and her vet said that she probably had a month left with us.  She seemed healthy in every other way except for that lump on her cheek.  The vet suggested trying chemo therapy to try the shrink the mass. But as you all know, it is pretty expensive.  With savings and the help of a go fund me page, we manage to scrape up enough for a couple of months of chemo treatments and that did help shrink the mass some.  We contacted Keri at Paws 4 A Cure and they were able to help us with funding for more of Charlie's treatments.  We were told we would be lucky to get a month with her, but because of the help that we received, we were able to spend another year with our little sweetheart.  For that, we will always be grateful for the help that Paws 4 A Cure gave us." – Lori

Lucky - Lymphoma

“Paws 4 A Cure allowed for medical treatment, and just as important time, to sort through often statements from the medical community. Paws 4 A Cure and Keri were an island of sanity and support.” – Steven

M.J. – Malignant tumor on leg

“Last year my sweet fur baby M.J was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor on her leg. Our veterinarian decided that amputation of M.J's leg was her best chance of survival so that the cancer would not spread. I reached out to Paws 4 A Cure, and because of their amazing donation, M.J just celebrated her 14th birthday in March! She is such a happy and active girl every day! She runs and she jumps, she is so full of life! Words cannot express what a wonderful organization that Paws 4 A Cure is, and M.J and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!!!!!” - Sincerely, Nikki

Bella – Herniated Disk (2014)

“Paws 4 A Cure helped me when I so desperately needed it. My 12 year old German Shepherd mix had ruptured a disk in her spine and was quickly losing the use of her back legs. Her spinal surgery was over four thousand and I couldn't afford it on my own. However, Bella is the love of my life, I've had her since she was a puppy, she's been with me through everything. She's my soulmate. So, I had to do everything to save her. There were some organizations that wouldn't help fund Bella's surgery because of her age but Paws 4 A Cure helped me so that I was able to get Bella's surgery and she made a complete recovery. Bella past away in August of this past year. She lived to be 15, and I am so grateful for those extra 3 years that I got to spend with my love.” – Alisha

Harley Darlin - Osteosarcoma

“Thank you Paws 4 A Cure! Your help gave us extended time to enjoy our sweet girl, Harley Darlin. We miss her soooo much. Let's find a cure for the monster called cancer!” – Rod

Yeager – Mass Removal

“I received a donation of $200 from your organization for the operation that Yeager needed to remove a 22lb cyst that saved his life. He lived a fruitful two years after that. But without the donation he wouldn’t have gotten the surgery. We were so thankful for all you did for us.” – Carol

Sammi – Ruptured Femur

“It has been 2 1/2 years since we received funding from Paws 4 A Cure for Sammi to have a hip procedure after being hit by a truck. Our bill was already very high from her being at the Emergency Vet for a week, and having the assistance for the procedure helped so much! I will always support Paws 4 A Cure because with their help, my dog is alive and very well today” :)

Nikita - Diabetes

"I want to thank you for your help towards Nikita's medical needs it made a big difference in the quality of her final days. My Nikita got very sick right before Christmas not from her diabetes which was under control, it was determined she had a brain tumor and her final day with me was on Dec 22nd. She left me in my arms and knew she was loved very much and will always be with me in my heart."  - Nikita's mom

Lil Girl - CCL Surgery

"These words cannot even begin to explain how grateful we are to Paws 4 A Cure. Our appreciation goes beyond measure. Getting awarded funding to help assist in my girls CCL surgery was the happiest day of our lives. She'd been down for almost 2 months while we worked nonstop to try and get the money together. Thanks to generous donation from 
Paws 4 A Cure, she is scheduled for surgery in just a few days. May god bless you in each and every way the way you have blessed us. Again, Thank you so much. You have been embedded in our hearts forever. We will never forget you." - 
Dawn Stull
Tashi - UTI and Bladder Stones

don't know what we would have done without the support of Paws 4 A Cure! Our dog, Tashi, a 12 yr old brindle pit, was diagnosed with a UTI & bladder stones. It was critical that she receive care ASAP as the stones would very likely end up blocking her urethra and cause a slew of other problems resulting in euthanasia. If we had not found a caring vet, and had the support of Paws 4 A Cure we would not have been able to get her the surgery she needed. Thankfully, Tashi got the surgery, had TWO HUGE stones removed and 2 polyps as well. She is now on a special diet and drinking filtered watered. Tashi just had her post surgery check up and everything looks GREAT! She may be old, but she's a trooper with an excellent heart and good strong lungs and is expected to be around a while longer yet with us! We are grateful to Paws 4 A Cure for their help! Please, support them if you can, so more families can remain in tact and keep their loving furbabies happy, healthy, and whole! :)    ~ With Greatest Gratitude, Rachel

Cookie - Broken Leg

"Cookie is a very friendly and playful poodle. Cookie came to our family when he was around 4 month old, he was so little and cute. Cookie loves going outside and playing is the yard with his toys (and the kids’ toys). We are a family of six mom, dad, three toddlers and Cookie. One day I came home to find that cookie was limping. I took him to the veterinarian and they said to wait couple of weeks that it could be just a muscle. After three weeks of limping he got x-ray done and we were informed the bad news that he was in need of surgery. They told us that it would be about two thousand dollars. We do not have that kind of money, we were devastated and desperate. I was even willing to give him up as long as he was taken care of. Thank God I found the Paws 4 A Cure website and we were blessed to have Cookie surgery done and he is now recovering. We thank you Paws 4 A Cure for all for all your help and support. Some day we hope to be able to support the cause with you."  -Milangela Martinez

Paxil - Osteosarcoma

"Gratitude are one of the first things that comes to mind, Paws 4 A Cure awarded my pet Paxil a grant to assist with his Chemotherapy treatments. About a month ago Paxil was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a very common form of bone cancer of the right lower jaw. This little guy has been through so much over the past few years, and has provided my family with a tremendous amount of joy. When we first found out about the cancer of the jaw bone, I immediately searched for foundations that could help aide me in saving my Paxil life for a second time, he’s a fighter. Paws 4 A Cure was the first to come to the rescue, and for that we are internally grateful. He has a long ways to go but every little bit sent from God is a blessing, thanks for adding to our time with him. We will keep you posted on his progress." - Woods Family!

Heathin - Lymphoma

"Paws 4 A Cure constantly stayed in communication with our vet and me.  I received several emails wanting to know how Heathin was feeling. They honestly cared about Heathin’s welfare.  I felt as if they were a close family member who knew and loved Heathin with all their heart.  They not only supported Heathin during treatment, but us as well; sharing tears during the rough times and laughs during the good times.

My vet loved working with them so much that they even told another family about them.  They too felt that Paws 4 A Cure truly cares and loves every animal they help or meet.  When I would go pick up Heathin after treatment, the office would tell me that they just got off the phone with Paws 4 A Cure, just wanting to know how he was doing." - April Valenzuela

Click here to see full testimonial

"We at Homestead Animal Hospital are very pleased with your prompt services and timely help that your organization has provided. All of our clients and us from Homestead Animal Hospital thank you from bottom of our hearts. Our Clients who have received financial help for their pets from your organization have greatly appreciated your prompt response. I and my staff here at Homestead Animal Hospital got a good impression of your timely processing of the payments. At this time our economy and every person and small business are going thru a tough time, it is good know that organizations like your are of great help. Thanks Again."

Dr. Herr and Staff
Homestead Animal Hospital
Pahrump, Nevada 

Bart - Nodule on spleen

"My 9 1/2 year old American Pitbull Terrier Bart got diagnosed with a nodule on her spleen by ultrasound. Her general vet had recommended to do surgery to remove the spleen & nodule. I was told that even if the nodule wasn't cancer, it could rupture at any time causing her to bleed internally and die. The surgery would cost $4,000+ and I didn't have anywhere near that money as I had spent whatever I had on her ultrasound. I didn't know what I was going to do. I did know that I owed it to my girl to not let her die the death of an internal bleed. I knew that if she had cancer, I could eventually live with that and that I could euthanize her peacefully when she let me know she was ready, as opposed to this nodule rupturing and her dying a painful death. Then Paws 4 A Cure came into my life. I had applied to several canine funding organizations and received donations from 3 of them, but not nearly enough to cover the surgery. I was frantic and upset and it looked like I was going to lose my constant companion and very best friend. Then I received a call from Keri, founder of Paws 4 A Cure. She was kind and understanding, but most of all supportive, both emotionally and financially. Paws 4 A Cure is comprised of some of the best people ever and Keri is at the top! Bart's surgery ended up having to cost more and Paws 4 A Cure didn't even blink; they simply said, "We'll do whatever Bart needs, don't worry about it". And that is exactly what they did, anything and everything.. from covering all the costs of the surgery that the other 3 foundations didn't, to covering an additional consultation from another veterinarian for my dog's inflammatory bowel disease, which was an extra cost. Without Paws 4 A Cure, my Bart would likely not be around today! Thanks to this very awesome foundation and its wonderful founder, my dog has recovered wonderfully, with all biopsies being benign! Paws 4 A Cure saved my Bart's life and I will be eternally grateful for all they have done!" - Joy Hatfield 
Iggy - Lymphoma

"We are writing to express our deepest thanks for Paws 4 A Cure’s recent financial assistance in the ongoing cancer treatments for our German Shepard “Iggy”. It is generous gifts from organizations like yours that provide the financial and moral support needed for his continued oncology treatments. There is no possible way we could have afforded to do this for him on our own. Your faithful financial contributions over past few months have demonstrated your deep commitment to the care and treatment of our furry friends and only because of this level of commitment he is alive today still. Your support has repeatedly played a key role in his successful oncology care which without would have resulted in an outcome we can not even begin to think about. There is no way to fully express our gratitude for your generosity towards his care and to us. We are continually inspired by your dedication and devotion towards animals. It’s organizations like yours who answer the call to give again and again that make this world a much better place for all of us. Even though his cancer appears to be going into remission at this point, we know Iggy is not out of the woods yet and will still most likely need additional treatment in the future. Knowing we have an organization as generous and willing as yours makes an already stressful time in all our lives much more livable for Iggy and us." - Sincerely, Carl ,Erin and “Iggy” Denny 

Laddie - Nasal Carcinoma

"If it weren't for Paws 4 A Cure, Laddie would not have had a 2nd chance at life (he did have another great org help us last year, 2011)!! I have been unemployed for over 3 yrs and struggling to save my home and my 2 sweet Shelties. At 11 yrs old, Laddie was diagnosed with Nasal Carcinoma but is healthy in every other way. Thanks to Paws 4 A Cure, he is once again fighting this demon. Keri, the founder is in touch with his Oncologist when necessary and she is always checking in with me for an update. She has generously supported us through this very difficult time. When my financial situation either improves or is solved, I will donate to this amazing organization to help save/support other dogs and their struggling parents. Thank you Paws 4 A Cure for your time and generosity!" - Janet Fichera

Sofie - Lymphoma

"When I got the diagnosis that my girl Sofie had Lymphoma I was devastated that my baby was so sick. Besides being scared for her health, I was scared that due to my financial situation I wouldn't be able to provide her with the medical care she so badly needed. That is where Paws 4 A Cure stepped in. With their help I was able to provide Sofie with the medical care she needed. I will be forever grateful for the additional time that Paws 4 A Cure gave me with my precious girl." - Theresa Cunningham
Storm - Megaesophagus

"Storm is now well on her way to becoming a beautiful dog. She has tripled in size since her surgery and eats through her mouth and can hold it down without any problems. She didn’t even get up to 2 lbs. in her first three months of life, and now is almost 9 lbs. at only four months. She has such a strong will to live and strive, and I cannot explain in words how grateful and thankful I am for everyone who donated through Paws 4 A Cure, you are truly amazing! You have done more for Storm than I can explain. It is because of organizations like this that animals that would otherwise have no chance are helped and granted life! THANK YOU!!!!" - Nicole Barber

Copyright 2008-2025 © Paws 4 A Cure.  All Rights Reserved.
Paws 4 A Cure, P.O. Box 4083, Fall River, MA, 02723 
Paws 4 A Cure is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides financial assistance throughout the United States to those who cannot afford veterinary care for their beloved furry family members. Paws 4 A Cure helps dogs and cats with the treatment of all illnesses and injuries. Paws 4 A Cure does not discriminate against breed, age, or diagnosis.

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