The Paws 4 A Cure Board of Directors and Committee members are a team of volunteers that love animals just as much as you do. They are a dedicated group that want what is in the best interest of the animals that Paws 4 A Cure helps.
Click on the pictures below to enlarge the image.
Keri Goldman - President & Founder
Paws 4 A Cure was created in memory of my Chow Chow; Nikko who lost his battle with cancer in 2007.
"When Nikko was diagnosed with cancer there were not any organizations out there available to me for assistance with his veterinary care. I sold my personal belongings, ate from food banks and went without so that Nikko could have multiple surgeries and follow-up veterinary care over a 5 year period of his cancer that returned several times. After Nikko received his angel wings, I knew what I had to do, help others facing the same situation. No animal should go without veterinary care because their parent cannot afford it. Being able to re-focus my attention on assisting other pet parents in need of veterinary care has helped me through the tremendous grief I feel of Nikko's passing and Chee as well. They will forever live on in my heart and through the Paws 4 A Cure dogs and cats that we are able to help. This is all for you
I do all of the daily administrative activities including maintenance of this website. I volunteers all of my time on Paws 4 A Cure when not at my paying job. Paws 4 A Cure is a labor of love for me. I am determined to make a positive difference in this world. Making a difference, one paw at a time".

This is one of the reasons why I chose to be part of this great organization. In 2012 our white German Shepherd named Iggy was diagnosed with cancer and the vet recommend putting him down before it gets worse. Besides that, the vet who didn’t know us from Adam, told my wife that we couldn’t afford to treat him as the cost was too high so he’s better off being put to sleep now. How would the vet know what we could or couldn’t afford to do? How dare she assume like that? As it turned out, she was right, we couldn’t afford everything he needed unless we sold the house and everything in it and probably still took out more loans. That’s when my wife found out about Paws 4 A Cure through a pamphlet. All the while, we started Iggy on chemotherapy right away. We were told the tumors were shrinking. The hard part came when we got the bill for the next round of treatments he needed. The vet needed thousands of dollars more but we had spent everything we could afford to spend. The veterinarian insisted he needed more yet to complete the third round of chemotherapy. We did all the paperwork required for what was needed to Paws 4 A Cure. Like a gift from the heavens we got accepted by Paws 4 A Cure the next day and the treatments continued for months and months afterwards. As the months went on and Iggy finally stopped his treatments we took the time to talk about how great Paws 4 A Cure was to us and how we would like to give back if we ever could afford to.
Since that memorable day in 2012 we have tried to give to Paws 4 A Cure every time we have even a little extra money to spare. We wanted to be part of this great organization that not only spares families from the inevitable financial hardships that go along with having a sick pet, but genuinely cares about getting the best treatment possible for the animals too. We love animals and love this organization too.” - See full story

Erin Denny - Secretary
Erin joined the Paws 4 A Cure board of directors in April 2021. Erin is a former Paws Recipient from 2012 when her dog Iggy was diagnosed with cancer. Erin has been helping fundraise for Paws 4 A Cure for many years. Her dedication to helping Paws 4 A Cure is amazing.
See Carl's story above.
Joelle Corbridge - Treasurer
Joelle joined the Paws 4 A Cure board of directors in March of 2015. Joelle is a former Paws Recipient from 2013 that has been helping with the Paws 4 A Cure taxes. Joelle is a great asset to Paws 4 A Cure.
"Paws 4 A Cure helped save my Rocky's life. Being involved is a way to help give back to a wonderful organization!"
Joelle volunteers preparing the annual taxes for Paws 4 A Cure.

"I started volunteering for Paws 4 A Cure because I wanted to get involved and spend some of my free time making a difference. I started out doing small tasks to help out whenever I had time during my school year or during the summer, because even offering a little help here and there can really help out. The more time I spent working with Keri and Paws 4 A Cure the more I noticed the impact this organization has to helping families in need and has driven me to continue to lend my support. The support that Paws 4 A Cure has given to families all across the country is amazing and makes me proud to be a volunteer."