Meet the Paws 4 A Cure Families
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Carter 2 Years Later!
We love happy updates! This is why we do what we do! Carter’s mom applied to Paws 4 A Cure in 2013 for assistance, he was in need of a hip replacement.
“Here is Carter's and big sister Ellie's Christmas photo and a few shots of Carter doing agility. I can't jump him because of his hip but he still enjoys it so we put the jumps at 8 or 12 inches and let him have a good time. He is working full time as my service dog and enjoying every minute of his job. We are still very grateful for your gift every day these 2 years later. Thank you.”

"I want to thank you for your help towards Nikita's medical needs it made a big difference in the quality of her final days. My Nikita got very sick right before Christmas not from her diabetes which was under control, it was determined she had a brain tumor and her final day with me was on Dec 22nd. She left me in my arms and knew she was loved very much and will always be with me in my heart." ~Nikita's mom

01/25/14 - Moyer had his fourth chemotherapy appointment today. He did great!
Whenever the staff asks him if he's ready to go he jumps up into my lap...all long and lanky 80lbs of him.
They can poke and prod him as much as they'd like and he'll sit there like a champ. But when it comes to leaving my side, he's a big baby.
When they bring him back he jumps up and gives me a hug.
So far, he's responded very well to his treatments thus far and is considered
to be in remission! :) Thank you, thank you for making this possible!
~ Ashley & Moyer

She has been having fun playing in the snow and being spoiled by Mommy.
I just want to thank you again for helping us. We could not have done this without you and the people who donate to your organization.
Kelly & Abby

Dr. Forest said she is doing great, thank God!!!
She looks very happy and def she is no in pain any more:-)
I would like to Thank You and all the sponsors, one more time, for your great support during all this process that we went through. It had been very hard, specially for Rubi, but we couldn't make it without your prayers and support. You guys are really Angels.
Erik & Rubi

Dec. 19, 2013 - The vet clinic called me this morning to reschedule Rubi's appointment to see her today if possible, so we went there and the Dr. removed the stitches, she said Rubi is healing wonderful, looks happy and is responding great.
She was telling me about the result of the biopsy, I understand she said Rubi's cancer is growing very slow and it is not spread.
She also said that we don't need yo wait six month for the second surgery and she want to do it in 2 weeks, they schedule Rubi for January 2th.
I'm still in shock cause I think is too fast but she said Rubi will be ready for that in two weeks and there is no need to wait.
truth, I had been very impressed with how fast Rubi recovered from such a big
surgery. I guess the only one not ready for that second surgery, emotionally
talking, it's me.
~ Rubi's Dad

At the time we were living with my mother who already had 2 dogs and 3 cats plus our 1 cat, Cutie-pie. My mother didn’t mind as long as he wasn’t a pit-bull. She wanted nothing to do with pit bulls because of everything she had heard about this breed. Heathin had the appearance of being a mixed pit; however, my mother insisted that he was Great Dane. We choose the name Heathin, because I wanted to name him after my nephew Ethan who was only a few months old. My husband liked it because it wasn’t a common name and it was manly (whatever that means). The first few months were tough; Heathin didn’t have all his teeth yet and decided to use my mother’s couch pillows as teething rings. Along with chewing many of her expensive shoes (chewing only 1 shoe from each pair). We took him everywhere with us, the only time we were apart is while we were working.
Heathin had a special bond with Cutie-pie. In 2008 when Cutie-pie passed away, Heathin stayed by his side the entire time licking him gently. Before we got home from work Heathin would gently carry Cutie-pie, keeping him close to him at all times until we got home. Cutie-pie was born in 1994 and had diabetes.
Heathin's features developed more has he aged. The pit features became more dominate and my mother could no longer deny it. By then Heathin had won her over and changed her opinion on the entire breed itself. Heathin has tendencies to do this a lot. Everyone who meets him instantly falls in love. His gentleness and childlike behavior wins you over every time.
Recently we woke up one morning to find Heathin’s back leg swollen. My husband noticed that his glands were swollen as well. We took him immediately to the vet. After being examined by the vet we were told that he has Lymphoma cancer and given medication. At the follow-up appointment we were told that chemo was needed. My family wanted us to take him to their vet to get a second opinion.
This is when we took him to Dr. Herr. When the results came back Dr. Herr called my Aunt Dee and asked her to tell us the results in person because he was concerned how we would take it. My Aunt showed up with my mom sat us done and told us “Heathin does in fact have Lymphoma cancer, and that treatment needs to begin immediately. If treatment is not received Dr. Herr only gives Heathin 30 days to live.” We discussed treatment plans with Dr. Herr along with our financials and he decided on a 5 session chemo treatment. My Aunt and Uncle were willing to loan us the monies so that the treatment could get started. While undergoing treatment I found the website for Paws 4 A Cure. I completed the application and so did my vet. Within 24 hours, Keri from Paws 4 A Cure contacted me. Soon after we were approved.
During treatment were the vet aspirated got infected and one night busted causing him to bleed profusely. Several blood transfusions were needed before some chemo treatments could be given due to anemia. And after 4 treatment his blood work is now perfect and no swelling. The good news lasted for maybe 2 months, then my husband noticed swelling. We took him immediately to the vets. The cancer had come back, this time with a vengeance. Once again, both Paws 4 A Cure and Dr. Herr were right there for us. Heathin passed away Thanksgiving night, November 22nd, 2012.
Thank you Paws 4 A Cure, you gave us the greatest gift of all, 7 additional months with our beloved Heathin. These 7 months Heathin touched so many hearts, making several new friends. While undergoing treatment the entire staff at Homestead Animal Hospital even Dr. Herr himself fell in love with him. They even appointed him their unofficial mascot. Heathin forever will be remembered as a miracle.

From, Penny's Mom

Diddley, my sweet little boy, is doing great! He just started his radiation therapy and is looking good. All of the doctors and staff keep raving about what a great little guy his is! He has become the hospital pet, and hangs out in staff members’ laps when he is coming out of his anesthesia.
Diddley is a real treasure, and I cannot begin to express the depth of my gratitude! You have given more than money with your generous donation. You have saved a life; kept a
Warmly, Diddley’s Mom!

Thanks to the supporters of Paws 4 A Cure my dog Bindi was able to see a vet for her condition. The results were not so good in that we found she has 2 unrelated masses of cancer (anal gland and one next to her heart). Further treatment of these conditions could compromise her so with her doctors advice we have chosen just to give her the best quality of life

Thanks to your organization, Oliver is doing great. He is on a proper diet and has minimal issues at this point in his life. I no longer have to watch him suffer daily with heartbreaking seizures. He is a happy, playful boy and has the best quality of life thanks to your help and the help of his vet. What you do for pets is amazing and I am eternally grateful. I know you can’t do it without the help of all of your amazing donors. I would like to thank everyone. You have made a huge difference in our lives. Thank you!
Love always, Erika and Oliver
This is Tigra playing at the river, running and playing with her younger sister Havoc.
Tigra is 1/2 way thru her chemo protocol. She has been in remission since week 6. She is doing fantastic! Hasn't skipped a beat with her life & seems to handle her chemo well. The vets are amazed with her progress. They expect a long remission for her with a happy normal life. We will be celebrating Tigras 11th birthday on Sept 28th. When she was diagnosed with lymphoma at age 9, I feared not seeing her 10th birthday & here we are getting ready to celebrate her 11th!!
cannot begin to say thank enough. My baby girl wouldn't be here had I not
gotten a grant from Paws 4 A Cure. We are currently going through treatment
with that grant money. Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart - thank
you. ~ Tigra's mom

I am so truly GRATEFUL for the additional 1.5 yrs. I had with Laddie because of the GENEROUS donations made to Paws 4 A Cure!! Without your help, I could NEVER have been able to keep Laddie alive, with Radiation Treatments (6) and some very expensive medications!! He was a very Healthy Sheltie and was able to fight this Nasal Cancer so bravely and for so long!! Even with the “side effects”, he always bounced back because he wanted to LIVE and PLAY (with his best buddy – Koko)!! Laddie lost his battle on Feb. 19, 2013 but he will never be forgotten!!
I hope that I am in a
position someday soon to donate to Paws 4 A Cure , when I am once again
employed, so that I can help other families to save their precious pets! THANK
YOU once again to all who donate so unselfishly for such a great cause!! ~ Laddie's mom

08/27/13 - Just sending you an update, Mitok is still in remission and doing fantastic! His blood cell count is normal, no signs of cancer, no lymph node swelling and is acting and feeling great. We have about 6 more chemo treatments to go but could not have done this without your assistance. Thank you so much for giving me more time with my furry little baby! ~ From Mitok's Mom

08/27/13 - I have all good news to report after Annie's oncology appointment yesterday. Dr. Kelly says she looks "FABULOUS", and Annie got her "I'm a Cancer Survivor" bandana (check the Santa Fe Veterinary Cancer Care Facebook page for Annie's smiling face in a day or so). Her vitals are perfect, and white cell count where she expects a dog on chemo to be. Our goal remains full remission (no visible signs) of her mucocutaneous lymphoma.
Her prognosis is excellent. Annie is now receiving chemo pills and steroid shots once a month toward that goal. Dr. Kelly says periodic chemo injections would expedite progress.
Annie is eating like a horse, which the oncologist says is her body fighting with the cancer. She remains on a high protein diet, since Dr. Kelly says cancer loves carbohydrates, but not protein. I ramped up the protein since our July appointment when Dr. Kelly detected a little boniness. Yesterday she couldn't feel any boniness, and said keep doing what I'm doing: a 32% protein kibble, rotisserie chicken, and other lean meat, blueberries, broccoli, spinach, nonfat yogurt.
I can't thank you and Paws 4 A Cure enough again for
your aid in keeping Annie moving towards remission! ~ From Annie's Mom

The current hurdle is getting him to lay down, once he gets up, or after I assist him up...he does not want to feel the pain of getting up and down; so he paces around, more than he should. Seems it prefers standing because he "just can't take anymore laying around!"
Again, a heartfelt thank you to the Paws 4 A Cure and its donors for your support for Jedi's surgery...this would not be possible without your support.

08/19/13 - A little over 1 week after his surgery, Jedi is touching down on three
legs, with long recovery/healing pauses, in between. Praying for a touchdown
on the femur injured legs, in the days to come. Immediately after surgery,
he was pushing through the pain to look for his sister Yoda, but I believe he
is coming to a resolve. We all miss her. She was the life of the party!
I can never thank you enough for helping to save him.
my eight-year-old golden retriever/Labrador retriever mix, is my service
dog. I live with cerebral palsy, use a
power chair to get around, and have very limited use of my hands. For the last 7 years, Niles has enabled me to
live independently. At home, he opens
doors for me and picks up things that I drop, placing them gently on my
lap. When I go out, he can jump up and
activate with his paws the automatic doors to buildings. Most of all, Niles makes my life whole. He makes me laugh with his antics and he
touches me with his soulful eyes. At
night, he sleeps next to my bed, his steady breathing soothing me.
year, I was hospitalized with complications of my illness and am now recovering
in an extended care facility. When my
veterinarian recently found a tumor in Niles, I thought I was about to also lose
my best friend.
With my medical expenses, I couldn’t afford the surgery Niles needed. It is only through the incredible generosity of Paws 4 A Cure – and the kindness of founder Keri Goldman – that Niles was able to have his life-saving surgery. He came through with flying colors and today is the healthy, happy, lovable companion I’ve known and loved.
Words cannot express my gratitude to Keri, Paws 4 A Cure, and all of the good donors to that organization.
~ From, Niles' Mom

Just two weeks after Nikita was properly diagnosed and started treatment for her diabetes. She has gained back her strength, she is able to walk again and got the sparkle back in her eyes. I can't thank you enough Paws 4 A Cure for your support through this very difficult time. This photo is Nikita in the park enjoying the fresh air, she is looking and feeling good.
From Nikita's mom
Update 09/02/13
Paws 4 A Cure and donors,
I thank you very much. My little daughter Justyce is doing great. She will be in remission for one year on December 11, 2013. I have you all written on my heart, which means my day of prayer goes out to you all. You made her recovery possible.
God bless you, Kassandra and Justyce
Justyce goes in for her six month thyroid bloodwork on
August 17, 2013. She has a decrease in appetite, but I think it is because of the heat wave we are experiencing.
Thank you and god bless to all the donors. I pray for them and you every day at mass six times a week.
Love, Kassandra and Justyce
My Rasta dog was diagnosed with T-cell Lymphoma cancer in February 2013. With the help of Paws 4 A Cure and The Riedel & Cody fund I got to spend more quality time with my best friend. Rasta went into remission almost right away when we went full force with the Chemo treatment. He started eating again and got his strength back. However, in May 2 days away from his last chemo treatment Rasta got sick again and we found the cancer moved to his pancreas and lymph nodes in his belly. We decided to stop treatment and my little guy was strong enough to live almost a month longer! The last 3 months of Rasta's life were the best and of my life. It allowed me to slow down, reflect on our
lives and re-think about all the days from his puppy days. Rasta had a phenomenal doggy life and was right by my side through bad times and good times! He taught me to live simply, love strongly, and always start a new day to the
fullest. We both hung on longer than we should have but we both knew that it was time to go on his last day on earth. Rasta has the strongest spirit and I continue to feel him around me.
Two weeks after Rasta passed I got a call from the Mile High
Weimaraner Rescue. There was a Weim in a shelter that was not in good shape. His parents were divorcing and neither could keep him, so they dumped him into a shelter. My heart was still broken but I stopped to
think about how Rasta taught me that life is short and everyone should live it to the fullest. I opened my heart to Zeus who also had a broken heart.
Everyday day you can tell that both of our hearts are mending and we hold our heads a little bit higher!
Thank you to everyone who helped Rasta and me through our journey in time of need. A great community was built and I will never forget the financial and emotional support. I make the promise to give back because so much was given to me. I would love someone to have just as much as I did in 3 short months!

Thankful to you always, Amy and Waffles

I don't know what we would have done without the support of Paws 4 A Cure! Our dog, Tashi, a 12 yr old brindle pit, was diagnosed with a UTI & bladder stones. It was critical that she receive care ASAP as the stones would very likely end up blocking her urethra and cause a slew of other problems resulting in euthanasia. If we had not found a caring vet, and had the support of Paws 4 A Cure we would not have been able to get her the surgery she needed. Thankfully, Tashi got the surgery, had TWO HUGE stones removed and 2 polyps as well. She is now on a special diet and drinking filtered watered. Tashi just had her post surgery check up and everything looks GREAT! She may be old, but she's a trooper with an excellent heart and good